Ihr Ingenieurbüro für

Elektronik- und Softwareentwicklung

Flangular - A Flask based Angularjs application with authentication    Veröffentlicht:

Using Flask as backend for Angularjs applications seems natural. But how does it integrate, especially when it comes to authentication, private areas and so on.

This Proof of Concept started with the following goals:

  • Not serving the Angular code of the private area to the public (not logged in users)
  • Using HTTP Header based authentication for REST requests to prevent from CSRF

The result is called Flangular, a working Flask app made out of the following core components:



Using scanf and printf with floats with AVR Studio 6    Veröffentlicht:

To use floating point with AVR Studio 6 with functions from the scanf/printf family you have to link against the proper libraries and set the correct flags to make it work. Unfortunately the scanf settings aren't made available in the GUI like for printf.



Library for Graphics Displays with Font Generator    Veröffentlicht:

After having the first assembled cordi prototyping board on my desk I started thinking about writing some software to bring the board to life. I decided to use the libopencm3 library which is much better designed than the usual vendor provided libraries.

The controller bringup was pretty straightforward. I only needed to provide the proper memory layout to the linkerscript and configure the correct processor lib to link against. The libopencm3 provides a separate repository with many example configurations you can choose as a basis for your own board.

Then when the board was up and running the missing piece was the EADOGM132 display. When you look around in the internet you will find some libraries but most of them are GPL or AVR specific both of which I don't like.

So I started to roll our own graphics library with the following goals:

  • MIT Licensed
  • Font support
  • UTF-8 support
  • Display abstraction to be able to plugin whatever display you may need



Cordi stm32f100 EADOGM-132 Prototyping Board    Veröffentlicht:

We often need a controller for interfacing our electronic prototype circuit.

For almost all of our circuits on a breadboard we need a

  • Controller
  • Power stabilization
  • Communication interface (RS232)
  • Digital TTL-I/O, sometimes SPI, timers or other controller functions
  • DAC and ADC
  • Maybe a display, maybe with backlight
  • RTC

It's always the same...

Short: A small real embedded system for rapid prototyping.



Linux Kernel configuration tool Kconfig under Windows    Veröffentlicht:

Recently we started using the Linux Kernel configuration tools for some of our more extensive software projects. Also the NuttX project makes use of these tools and is still missing a port for a more complete native windows support. Theses tools basically provide a sophisticated DSL for describing configuration options plus several different frontends for selecting / and editing software configurations.

